Ben & Jerry's Integrated Advertising Campaign

Farmer Fresh Ice Cream

Background: Ben & Jerry's is an American company that manufactures ice cream. The company was founded in 1978 in Burlington, Vermont by childhood friends Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield. Ben & Jerry's is known for their original flavors, many of which incorporate foods and desserts mixed with ice cream. The company and its two founders have been noted for their political activism and advocacy for social justice. This includes the way their products have been manufactured, marketed, and distributed.

Objective: Encourage customers to purchase Farmer Fresh ice cream to help support smallholder farmers.

Target Audience: The target market is educated people between the ages of 18 and 55 years. From those who are supportive of social causes to ice cream lovers of any age.

Promise: With every purchase of Farmer Fresh ice cream, customers are able to give back to smallholder farmers and make a difference in the world.

Support For Promise: Farmers are the key to achieving food security and prosperity. 10% of Farmer Fresh ice cream profits will be donated to "One Arc Fund" to help improve smallholder farms. Your donation will contribute to supplying farmers with the farm supplies and training they need to grow more food and earn more money.

Key Message: When you purchase Farmer Fresh ice cream from Ben & Jerry's you're helping the world become a better place.

Tone of Voice: Enthusiastic, Inspirational, Optimistic.

Photoshop • Premiere Pro

May 2023

Survey Summary:

Asked 80 participants their opinions on Ben and Jerry’s fight for climate justice.

I used the results from the survey to inform a design challenge related to Ben and Jerry’s and developed an integrated ad campaign.

Farmer Fresh Integrated Advertising Campaign and Video:

The video highlights Ben and Jerry’s support for smallholder farmers. It goes into detail about how you can make a difference by purchasing Farmer Fresh ice cream.


Digital Marketing and Social Media Internship


Label Series